Horários dos Treinos na BODHIDHARMA:

Segundas/Quartas: 20h30
Terças/Quintas: 19h30

Academia BODHIDHARMA - Escola de Artes Marciais, Meditação e Yoga.
Fone: (41) 3267-7442
Av. Comendador Franco, 2885, Jardim das Américas, Curitiba-PR.

terça-feira, 14 de outubro de 2008

Texto do AIKIDO JOURNAL sobre o Seminário Internacional com mestres da BUDOKAN.

650 aikidoists participated in the big Aikido event organized by the Aikikai of Brazil. Classes were given by Yukimitsu Kobayashi Sensei from Aikikai Hombu Dojo, Wagner Bull, Makoto Nishida and R. Nobuhiko Maruyama from Aikikai of Brazil.
For the first time in Aikido History of Brazil, there will be the visit of a big delegation of around 50 masters of NIPPON BUDOKAN envolving 9 Budos, among then Judo, Karate, Aikido, Naguinata, jukkendo, shoringi Kempo and other. The Aikido delegation will be composed of 5 masters leaded by Yukimitsu Kobayashi 7º Dan that teaches in Aikikai Hombu Dojo. This visit was possible due to the support of various official entities in Japan as well as in Brazil as part of the commemoration of the 100 years of japonase colonization in Brazil. The Aikido delegation program will be hosted by the Instituto Takemussu -Brazil Aikikai, Instituto Maruyama-Brazil Aikikai and Fepai. (federãção Paulista de Aikido). On saturday there will a semminar in the morning and in afternoon when local teachers will teach , like Makoto Nishida Shinan, R. Nobuhiko Maruyama, and Wagner Bull. In the afternoon it will be exclusive classes with the Aikikai delegation masters, open to all aikidoist interested to share the program. On sunday there will be big public demonstration done by all the delegations of Budo in the Ginasio Mauro Pinheiro- Ibirapuera. It will be fantastic see so many good masters of budo demonstrating their art specially they were sent by Nippon Bukokan, that is as known a big center of Budo divulgation in the land of the rising sun. Brazilians Martial artists and teachers are excited about this possibility. Those interested can contact the organizations or : miura@aikikai.org.br

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